PZ-16USB MEZCLADORA DE AUDIO 16C C/USB «POTTENZA» ESPECIFICACIONES ENTRADA: 10 Jack Canon XLR Micrófono 8 Jack Stereo 6.3 Linea 8 Jack Monoral 6.3 Linea 8…
PZ-80USB CONSOLA AUD. AMPLIF. 8C. C/USB «POTTENZA» ESPECIFICACIONES ENTRADA: 4 Jack Canon XLR Micrófono 4 Jack Stereo 6.3 Linea 4 Jack Monoral 6.3 Linea 4…
SPECIFICATIONS: 12 mono channels and 2 groups of stereo input channels. Simple, flexible, high efficient , fine and super linear mic pre-amplifier. With built-in DSP…
SPECIFICATIONS: 16 mono channels and 2 groups of stereo input channels. Simple, flexible, high efficient , fine and super linear mic pre-amplifier. With built-in DSP…
SPECIFICATIONS: 8 mono channels and 2 groups of stereo input channels. Simple, flexible, high efficient , fine and super linear mic pre-amplifier. With built-in DSP…
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